Das Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg fördert Nagual Dance

Erste Förderrunde 2015 für Innovative Audiovisuelle Inhalte:

Als wichtiger Baustein einer zukunftsweisenden audiovisuellen Kultur unterstützt das Medienboard die Entwicklung Innovativer Audiovisueller Inhalte.

In seiner ersten Förderrunde des Jahres 2015 hat das Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg insgesamt 412.000 Euro an sieben Projekte mit innovativem audiovisuellen Content vergeben. Wir sind stolz und glücklich als eines dieser Projekte eine Förderung erhalten zu haben. Damit werden wir nun die Entwicklung von Nagual Dance für die Xbox weiter vorantreiben.

Mit dem Förderprogramm "Innovative Audiovisuelle Inhalte" werden jährlich eine Million Euro an Projekte aus den Bereichen Games, App-Entwicklungen, Web, Cross- und Transmedia vergeben. Für die aktuelle Runde lagen 34 Anträge vor.






One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: https://www.beonespark.com/berlin/about#sthash.4Z0YKp5x.dpuf