Nagual Sounds ist beim Bitkom Trendkongress 2014 dabei

Exploring Digital Horizons ist das Thema am 25. Dezember 2014 in der Station, Berlin.


Digitale Trends und disruptive Technologien stehen im Mittelpunkt des 3. BITKOM Trendkongress am 25. November 2014 in der STATION, Berlin. Der Trendkongress schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Global Playern, Start-ups und Vertretern aus Politik und Wissenschaft. Als Partner der Veranstaltung laden wir Euch herzlich ein, gemeinsam mit uns einen Blick in die digitale Zukunft zu werfen.

Die Teilnehmer erwarten spannende Keynotes und interessante Panels auf drei Stages. Auf dem Marketplace werden einige der neuestens digitalen Technologien gezeigt

Wir freuen uns das neue Musikformat der Zukunft vorzustellen: Die Interaktive Soundscape.

Außerdem werded wir Nagual Dance während des gesamten Events aufbauen.


One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at: