Nagual Sounds nimmt an der Idea Knockout Competition teil

Die Idea Knockout Competition findet am 27. September 2014 in Zagreb, Kroatien statt.

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

One Spark is a live crowdfunding festival to help Creators launch their project. From 12 - 13 September 2014, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display their works at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE in Berlin Mitte to connect great ideas with the resources they need to make them a reality. - See more at:

Wir freuen uns nach Zagreb zu reisen und dort Nagual Dance den Besuchern der Idea Knockout Competition und der Jury zu präsentieren.

Beim Idea Knockout nehmen verschiedene Teams mit innovativen und eigenentwickelten Technologien, Produkten und Dienstleistungen teil.

Der Idea Knockout ist der spannendeste Wettbewerb in der ganzen Region.

Der Gewinner berekommt einen Trip nach Las Vegas und einen Messestand im Eureka Park auf der CES 2015.

Die drei besten Teams gewinnen die Möglichkeit bei der Bug Future Show 2015 in Zagreb ihre Innovation vorzustellen.

Wir sind neugierig was wir in Zagreb erleben und mit welchen Inspirationen wir zurück nach Berlin kommen werden.

Daumen drücken für den Wettbewerb!